Designed and developed the couple of accounting system for Concern India Foundation and Secure Giving. The accounts application records The vendors participation and sale made by them. Total Sale done in an exhibition and sort them according to customers, vedors, date It also manages the disbursement of funds to vendor after the exhibition is over…
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Marketing Chain Management System
Designed and developed a marketing chain management system. It keep track of Creation of different team and its heirachy. Each Team member Number of clients each executive have. Amount Raised by each team member from his/her chain Number of Reports were created for the client. Name of client cannot be disclosed. Technology : MS SQL…
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Marathon Application
We had the previlage to be associated with Airtel Marathon. We developed the intranet software for the official charity partner, Concern India Foundation for 5 years using MS Sql Server as database. We made a software to manage the registration and collection of donations, fees and segreagate it under various charity / NGOs.
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Reservation & Accounting System
I have designed and developed the hostel reservation system and accounting system for International Youth Hostel, Nyaya Marg, New Delhi. It is running successfully for last 10 years. It using MS Sql Server as database. The booking application caters to various kind of booking options and has the feature to track each member who has…
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